

Added new theme to iCloud DNS Bypass

Today added a new interface theme. Now all icons in high resolution. New look, new feel.


More than 300k devices is now connected to iCloud DNS Bypass!

Our community is constantly growing, only two weeks ago, there were 200k, and now more than 300k devices connected to iCloud DNS Bypass.


Captive Portal is ready for testing and searching bugs

While waiting for news from the unlock source, we have some things to do. As some of you already noticed, I added a Captive Portal.


You can see “Banned forever” if you scammer

Scammers will receive a surprise now. If you one of them, then you may get message "Banned forever".


More than 200k devices is now connected to iCloud DNS Bypass!

Was not much time gone, only 2 month, and we have already more than 200k devices connected to iCloud DNS Bypass server! Thanks to all who support us and sent donations.
